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Chapter 5: Road Rules

Controlled Intersections

These are intersections where traffic flow is regulated by traffic signals or road signs. They are typically found in areas with high traffic and are characterized by the presence of traffic signals or stop signs.

Right of Way at Controlled Intersections:

Traffic Circles and Roundabouts

Traffic signals are usually used in residential neighborhoods whereas roundabouts are larger and used at places where traffic is heavy. Rules for both are quite similar.

Uncontrolled Intersections

These are intersections that lack traffic control mechanisms such as stop signs, yield signs, pavement markings, traffic lights, or traffic-directing personnel. They are commonly found in rural and suburban areas. The right-of-way at these intersections is usually determined by factors such as the position of the vehicle on the road, the order in which the vehicles arrived at the intersection, and the intended direction of each driver.

Right-of-Way at Uncontrolled Intersections:

Lane Usage